Nefertiti at ROM Poster – Ghada Hassan Portfolio
    at ROM

    Poster, Brochure, Animation Clip

    at ROM

    Poster, Brochure, Animation Clip

    I used to go to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo and draw ancient Pharaohs busts & tombs as assignments for my historical arts course. I cannot forget all of the crafts telling her story. Nefertiti was very supportive of her husband King Akhenaten as well as being a strong Queen with charming beauty inside and outside.


    The poster is for Nefertiti's exhibition where her famous bust and other pieces belonging to King Tut will be exhibited in the Royal Ontario Museum for the first time.
    My design shows the power of this important exhibit. With Nefertiti and King Tut's pieces being exhibited in the ROM, it is as thought we are moving a piece of the Land of Pharaohs to Canada, which is shown by placing the ROM in Egypt next to the pyramids.

    Page size: 11”x17”

    Details &Zooming

    Nefertiti, whose name means...
    A Beautiful Woman Has Come.
    Nefertiti at ROM Poster
    Trifold Brochure

    The brochure highlights special ROM events from January through March, and it also invites its visitors to visit three special events. The first event is Queen Nefertiti Bust Exhibition, the second event is Mexico Clothing and Culture, and finally the third event is Dino Hunt Festival for kids.

    ROM Tri-fold Brochure


    After Effects
    Using Brushes with Illustrator /Photoshop, mask Images, and animation with After Effects

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